Farmer High School Parents,


We are about to embark on a new trajectory as far as strength and conditioning is concerned here at Sargent High School.  Beginning on Monday August 26, 2024, we will be offering a zero hour strength and conditioning program for our high school students.  This program will be led by our new secondary P.E. Teacher, Amber Mortensen.  There is no cost or need for enrollment in this program.  It will be offered Mondays through Thursdays at 7:00 AM at the weight room.  Students will not have access to locker rooms before this program so they need to show up in their workout gear and then they can change in the high school locker rooms afterwards. Participants in this program will be exposed to proper lifting techniques, plyometrics, injury prevention, and sport specific stretching.  We are hoping that many of our students will take advantage of this program.  If your child is enrolled in a weight lifting class they are already getting these skills presented to them.  Our goal is to make health and fitness available to all Sargent high school students.  If you have any questions or need further information please contact Fuzzy Holmes,  




Thank You