Board of Education

Clay Mitchell, President

Elected: 2023, Term Expires: 2027

Michele Peterson, Vice President

Elected:2021, Term Expires: 2025

Matthew Smartt, Secretary

Elected: 2021, Term Expires: 2025

Adam Klecker, Treasurer

Appointed: 2023, Term Expires: 2025

Clay Kimberling, Policy Advisor

Appointed: 2023, Term Expires: 2025

Click here for Diligent Community. Here you will find meeting minutes, agendas and board of education information.

Board Meetings are held on the 4th Monday of each month; meetings may be rescheduled if the 4th Monday falls during a school break or on a holiday.


Inspire students to care more, learn more, and experience more in a safe and engaging learning environment.


Dig deeper by placing students first while creating experiences that lead to lifelong learning and success.


  • Students: Attain high levels of achievement while developing a love of learning through exploration of curriculum that addresses social, emotional, academic, and physical needs of the student.

  • Staff: To Utilize best practices in education to develop as educators whoeffectively engage with students and relate learning across the curriculum to students lives at school and beyond.

  • Administration: Create beneficial partnerships with staff, students, and communitymembers to address district problems and develop Farmer culture that will inspire students to explore various avenues of learning and engage with their community.

  • Parents: Actively engage in the school community by volunteering in the classroom, participating in school programs, attending extracurricular activities, participating in conferences, helping with school fundraisers, and supporting the needs of your student.

  • Board:  Effectively lead through participation in school events, the development of policy, and management of funds that is supportive of district needs and that sets high standards for accountability and achievement.

The Board adopts the mission, vision and goals to guide the educational and managerial direction of the school district.

  • Current practice codified 1983
  • Adopted: date of manual adoption
  • Revised: 07/24/00, 09/24/12, 11/28/16, 07/27/20
  • LEGAL REF.: C. R.S. 22-32-109.1 (requirement that mission statement reflect safety as a priority)