5th and 6th grade students held a bake sale to raise money for Addie!
Category Archives: High School
Shows on Home Page, High School Page, and Elementary Section of app.
Starting today May 24, 2022! First come, first served. Items are in working order. Chromebooks have working chargers (while supplies last). Apple iPads may or may not have a charger. Items are available at the High School during office hours. No warranty, no tech support. Items are as is! Payment by check only, no cash. […]
Congratulations to Saige!! We are proud of you!
Please check the attached form for a Cotton Candy sale to benefit our sweet Addie. Forms are due Monday. All info is attached. Contact Mrs. Castillo with questions: lcastillo@sargent.k12.co.us We appreciate your support!
Huge shoutout to Bailey Asbell! Bailey placed 7th in the Girls 100m hurdles. We are proud of you!
Brooke Hoffstaetter, and Ellaree Rocky have both qualified to compete in the Regional Tournament! They will be competing Thursday May 19th at the Alamosa Golf Tournament, Friday May 20th at the Monte Vista Tournament, and Tuesday May 24th at the Regional Tournament. Good Luck Girls!
Juan Serna & Taylor Rockey are the 2022 Prom King and Queen.
Sargent Farmer Students, Mitchell Plane, Katherine Sewell, Mary Willis, and Roman VItale participated in the First Annual RISE Grant Expo on Wednesday, May 5, 2022 at Adams State University. Students participated in a Shark Tank Experience with a panel of local business owners and leaders. Sargent Students were awarded 3rd place in the competition.
Sargent School District would like to give a special Thank You to all of our Teachers!
In response to an email spoofing incident on April 18th, SPAM settings were tightened for the Sargent email domain. As a side effect, Campus Messenger emails started appearing in recipient SPAM folders on April 20th. As of April 23rd, steps have been taken to mitigate these legitimate emails from hitting SPAM folders. Please give this […]
San Luis Valley Rural Electric Cooperative announced their 2022 scholarship recipients. Congratulations to all the Valley students! Seven of the twelve recipients are Sargent students!
FFA- Regional CDE Results Sargent FFA brought 35 students to the Regional Career Development Event competitions at Lamar Community College in Lamar, CO on April 6th. Over 700 students were registered to compete. Sargent FFA did exceptionally well and we are very excited to see how they do at State CDE’s in May! Way to […]
2022 Southern Peaks Art Show Sargent Secondary Awards Junior High Drawing 1st Place & BEST OVERALL Middle School-Amelia Ford 3rd Place-Douglas Sawyer Printmaking 2nd Place-Catie Deacon 3rd Place-Donovan Heineman Ceramics 2nd Place-Durae Naranjo 3rd Place-Sylvia Daugherty Honorable Mention-Madeline Mitchell Sculpture 1st Place-Kaelyn Deacon 2nd Place-Regan Curtis 3rd Place-Joeleen Weeth Other 2nd Place-Catherine Deacon 3rd Place-Hailee […]
CHINMAY JAYANTY (12) $200 Award-American Institute of Chemical Engineers $75 Award-Colorado’s Electric’s Cooperatives 3rd Place Energy ($75) MAKENZIE CONSAUL (7) $100 Dept. of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture 1st Place Plant Sciences-$225 2nd Place Best Overall Project-$125 KYRA GRIFFIN (8) $100 Colorado Section of the American Chemical Society Elemer Bernath Technical Writing Award 3rd Place Chemistry […]
Check out the performance of Sargent High School’s The Rock Farmers cover of “Get off my Cloud” by the Rolling Stones. Students and Mr. Rafe Paulson performed at the March 28, 2022 school board meeting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcwkwtMdXnY
36 Sargent FFA students participated in the CDE Competition.
Contest will be a front or back design using original artwork, promoting excellence in Sargent School District. Designs are due March 29 at 4:00 p.m. Please email t-shirt design to smcbartlett@sargent.k12.co.us. The contest is open to district students, staff, and community. One design will be picked and awarded a $100 Visa Gift Card. The winner […]
Sargent 9-12th grade students are invited to addend the SAT Prep Academy on Friday, April 8th, 2022 from 9:00 to 3:00. Lunch will be served for those who attend. Prepare for the SAT Tips & Tricks in Math, Reading, ELA, and Test Anxiety. Please sign up using the following link. SAT Prep Academy Sign Up
ABC Student of the Month for February 2022 are: 7th grade-Makenzie C., 8th grade-Cadyn W., 9th grade-Cooper G., 10th grade-Jordan R., 11th grade-AJ G., 12th grade-Maddie K.
Sargent’s Senior High School Knowledge Bowl Team qualified for the State Competition in January and participated in the State Competition on Monday and Tuesday, March 14 and 15, 2022. The state qualifying team consists of 4 seniors, Mary Willis, Katherine Sewell, Chinmay Jayanty, Lindsey Temple and Jessica Buser; all participated in the virtual event […]
Sargent High School inducted 7 new members to the National Honor Society Chapter on Thursday, March 10, 2022 in the District Auditorium. Congratulations to: Sydney Lorentzen, Annabelle Heinemann, Giovanni Aquilar, Brooke Hoffstaetter, Jordan Rockey, Parker Ford, and Daylon Maze.
Link to Newsletter
Sargent Art Classes bought a crane from the Monte Vista Chamber of Commerce and began the process of decorating it as to be displayed on Main Street in Monte Vista during the annual Crane Festival starting the month of March. When in town go looking for our Sargent Farmer decorated crane!
Congratulations to Trenton for placing 5th at the Colorado State Wrestling tournament at 220 lbs. Trenton is the first state placer since the wrestling program was reinstated. Matthew V. also made it to state at 113 lbs.