Category Archives: High School

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Call for Nominations for School Directors

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Call for Nominations for School Directors Sargent School District Alamosa and Rio Grande County, Colorado   The Sargent School District RE-33J in the County of Alamosa & Rio Grande, State of Colorado, calls for nomination of candidates for school directors to be placed on the ballot for the regular biennial school election to be held […]

Sargent Cleanup Day

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Our fabulous Farmer community and staff members came together to do a district clean up day, below is a video of the progress. We cannot thank our staff and community members enough for the pride they have for this district. #FARMERSTRONG #FARMERFAMILY Sargent Cleanup Day  

FFA State CDE Results 2023

There were 1800 students from around the state registered to compete in the various events on the CSU campus. We brought 31 students- 9 teams to these contests and came home with the following results: Bronze Team Field Crops Livestock Silver Team Floriculture Bronze Individual Jessica Buser- Floriculture Megan Peterson- Floriculture Jayce Capron- Field Crops […]

Summer Swim Lessons with the Lady Farmers

The Sargent Lady Farmer Swim Team will be hosting lessons at Hooper Pool for the month of June….please see the attached flyer for details. These lessons are our primary fundraiser and help us pay for most of our season. Registration is live now – don’t miss your chance to support your Lady Farmers!

FFA-Regional CDE Results

FFA- Regional CDE Results Sargent FFA members went to Lamar Community College to compete in Regional CDE’s on March 29th. We brought 31 members to compete. Nearly 800 students were registered for these competitions. Sargent FFA did exceptionally well and we are very excited to see how they do at State CDE’s in May! Way to go […]

Sargent FFA Members at Hammond’s Candy Tour

Twelve members of Sargent’s FFA chapter earned the opportunity to take a tour of the Hammonds Candy Factory in Denver, Colorado prior to the members attending the Stock Show the same day. Before the tour, the members got to watch how the candy was made. The same video talked about the history of the company. […]

Winterfest 2023

Sargent Secondary students participated in Winterfest activities starting on January 23, 2023. Monday 1/23 was Anything but a Backpack day. Tuesday 1/24 was Dress as the First Letter of your Name day. Wednesday 1/25 was Rocker versus Surfer day. Thursday 1/26 was Pajama Day/Annual Bed races and Winterfest Pep-assembly. Friday 1/27 was Winterfest Crowning after […]

Sophomore Class Fundraiser

The Class of 2025 at Sargent High School is currently collecting gently worn shoes of any kind and size as a fundraiser. We will be sending the shoes to a company in Florida that cleans them and helps the residents of Haiti start microbusinesses to support their families. Shoes may be dropped off at Sargent […]