Category Archives: High School
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Wishing the best of luck to our high school cross country athletes, Josiah and Madeline as they compete at the State Meet on November 2nd in Colorado Springs at the Norris-Penrose Event Center! Josiah’s race kicks off at 1:00pm, followed by Madeline at 2:20 pm. Tune in to cheer them on via the live stream […]
Our girls rang that siren loud and proud Tuesday night after their major win against Del Norte. Congrats ladies, you played an incredible game!!
Please congratulate Mr. Sarason for being named Adams State School of Education Teacher Highlight Award winner! Dr. Curtis Garcia and staff came in this morning to surprise Mr. Sarason with a beautiful plaque.
You’re invited to attend Muffins with Mom (grandmas, aunts, etc.) tomorrow, September 19, 2024, in the HS Library from 7:15-7:45 am! Please see attachment for more information! *Save the date: Donuts with Dad (grandpas, uncles, etc.) will be October 24th! More information will follow!*