Category Archives: Elementary School

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Penny War to Benefit the Family of Sharon Adams

Sargent School District is hosting a K-12 Penny War to benefit the family of Sharon Adams. Sharon was a staple in our community and our district for many years. Those that knew her were very fortunate. The jars will be set up in each building in the main offices.  

First Grade Hosted Their Own Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

On Thursday before Thanksgiving break, First grade hosted their own Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Each student designed and created their own balloon for our parade. We read the book “Balloons Over Broadway” by Melissa Sweet to learn about the history of the Macy’s Parade. We paraded our balloons through the elementary to celebrate the beginning of […]


Farmer fans in the stands, stand up and clap your hands It’s Homecoming time!! Our girls face off with the Center Vikings today, JV starts at 3:30 and Varsity will follow. In between the JV and Varsity games you will have a chance to meet our upcoming Lady Farmers, the peewee volleyball girls will be […]