FFA- Regional CDE Results

Sargent FFA members went to Lamar Community College to compete in Regional CDE’s on March 29th. We brought 31 members to compete. Nearly 800 students were registered for these competitions. Sargent FFA did exceptionally well and we are very excited to see how they do at State CDE’s in May! Way to go Farmers!

Ag Mechanics
Individual- Evan Watts 8th/76

Ag Sales
Team: Region 6th/16
Team: District IV 1st

Field Crops
Team: Region 2nd/9
Team: District IV 1st

Team: Region 3rd/22
Team: District IV 1st

Food Science
Team: Region 8th/12
Team: District IV 1st

Horse Evaluation
Team: Region 9th/18
Team: District IV 2nd

Team: Region 9th/26
Team: District IV 1st

Milk Quality
Team: Region 4th/10
Team: District IV 1st

Special note- Vet Science and Meats also did well but did not have full teams for placement!